Working together to ensure community safety this Easter

Media Release

Barwon Coast is working with local authorities and volunteers to keep the community and visitors safe during the holiday period.

Barwon Coast manages the coastal Crown Land reserves from Collendina, through Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads to the western end of 13th Beach and Breamlea. This includes cleaning, maintenance and repair of coastal infrastructure.

With the expected increase in people staying at Barwon Coast caravan parks and other accommodation along the coast during the Easter and ANZAC Day long weekends, Barwon Coast is working closely with Victoria Police, The City of Greater Geelong and local volunteers including the Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club to help keep the community and visitors safe.

Paul Gangell, Manager of Coastal Operations at Barwon Coast said “We know that with the increase in holidaymakers we can also expect to see Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove foreshores full of young people intending to gather in large groups during the evenings”.

“Unfortunately, recent evening gatherings have seen deliberate damage to local facilities and broken glass being left on our foreshores. The broken bottles left by evening revellers have resulted in beachgoers and several school children cutting their feet. The vandalism of local infrastructure causes many hours of work for our busy Barwon Coast Outdoor Maintenance Team and comes at a significant cost to Barwon Coast and the community” explains Mr Gangell.

“To help ensure everyone stays safe Victoria Police will increase their visual footprint along the coast during the holiday period.”

“Local laws are in place for the safety of the community and fines of $495 may be incurred for consuming alcohol in public spaces in a manner that negatively interferes with other community members.”

“Community members, local traders and volunteers are all encouraged to call 000 if they see something that needs immediate attention. Please don’t assume that someone else has or will call the police.  To report damage after the fact call 131 444.”

“Look out for each other, consider those around you and act responsibly along the coast this holiday period.”

For further information, please contact:

Notes for editors:

Barwon Coast Committee of Management Inc. (Barwon Coast) is appointed by the Victorian State Government to manage 15km of coastal Crown land through the Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads townships, along the Bass Strait coast of the Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria, Australia. Our vision is that the natural environment of our coastline will flourish whilst meeting the needs of our engaged communities. A major local employer in Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove, we have more than 50 skilled employees from a diverse range of backgrounds working across the coastal reserve.

Barwon Coast

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