Exciting Discovery on the Barwon Coast: The Veined Helmet Orchid

The Barwon Coast Natural Resources Team has recorded the Veined Helmet Orchid (Corybas diemencius) in Barwon Heads for the first time. This small orchid, measuring just 3 cm tall, features a unique veined pattern.

The orchid’s presence indicates a healthy local ecosystem and adds to the area’s known biodiversity. Orchids play an important role in their environments, with some species even attracting mosquitoes as pollinators.

This finding has been reported to the Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens and added to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas. Such documentation helps track ecosystem health and inform future conservation efforts.

These are other orchid species found in the Barwon Coast area that you might encounter on your next journey:

  • Nodding Greenhood Orchid
  • Dwarf Greenhood Orchid
  • Pink Fairies Orchid
  • Slatey Helmet Orchid
  • Maroonhood Orchid
  • Onion Orchid
  • Sun Orchid
  • Large Gnat Orchid

To protect these sensitive plants, visitors are asked to remain on designated paths and avoid entering dune area.

The Natural Resource Team photographing the Veined Helmet Orchid
The Veined Helmet Orchid
Orchids found on the Barwon Coast
Orchid Species found on the Barwon Coast
