We are pleased to share the final version of the Barwon Coast Community Engagement Framework.
The framework was developed to provide direction on community engagement planning and activities conducted by the Barwon Coast Committee, management team and staff for the next five years.
This framework will help us deliver on Barwon Coast’s Mission and the vision of our key strategic document the Barwon Coast Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2020-2025 (CCMP). Specifically, Section 4, Action P&I 2.4 of the CMMP requires the development of a communication and engagement plan for community and agency involvement in coastal management.
How community input helped shape the Framework
The Barwon Coast Community Engagement Framework was shaped by a comprehensive consultation program with Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation, extensive research and workshops with staff, Barwon Coast Committee of Management and community members.
The Framework was also been guided by a number of relevant documents, including the Paleert Tjaara Dja, Let’s make Country good together 2020-2030 Wadawurrung Country Plan, the Marine and Coastal Policy 2020, the Victorian Government Public Engagement Framework and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Community Charter.