Three Hoodie Chicks on the Beach

Imagine our coastal ranger’s surprise and joy this morning when they spotted three threatened Hooded Plover chicks on 13th Beach!

We have set up a TEZ (temporary exclusion zone) between 40W and 42W where the chicks are feeding and growing.

Temporary Exclusion Zones are declared under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 regulations. They require people, dogs and horses not to enter the area fenced areas. By temporarily creating an area of exclusion these chicks will be given the chance to be left undisturbed to feed at the water’s edge and grow until they are strong enough to fly.

Please do not enter this area – not even along the water’s edge.  Please walk in an alternate direction and cross your fingers these little chicks.

The TEZ is clearly signed and roped off and will be in place until the birds can fly. This is estimated to be around the end of November.

More info on hoodies:

Our clever Coastal Ranger Team Leader Brett managed to snap a pic of two of the chicks this afternoon!
